(+33) 283 822 928
525 Versailles Drive Centerville , OH 45459

About Our Organization

about us

Our mission

Empower diverse communities by providing resources and workshops for creative expression in clay arts. Foster unity through cross-cultural projects, support artisans, strengthen community bonds, advance knowledge, and ensure sustainable positive impact on both culture and the environment.

Helping each other can make world better

Joffe Family Supporting recognizes the potential of clay arts to create strong community bonds. We actively engage in community-building projects that bring people together, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose. Through these initiatives, we contribute to the social fabric of our communities and promote positive social change.

Empowering Artistic Expression

We aim to empower individuals of all ages and backgrounds to express themselves through the medium of clay. By providing accessible resources, workshops, and educational programs, we enable people to explore their creativity, enhance their artistic skills, and find a meaningful outlet for self-expression.

Cultivating Cultural Understanding

Joffe Family Supporting believes in the power of art to transcend cultural boundaries and foster understanding. Through collaborative projects, cultural exchange initiatives, and exhibitions, we strive to cultivate a sense of unity and appreciation for diverse perspectives. Clay arts become a universal language that connects people and promotes cross-cultural dialogue.

Preserving Heritage and Tradition

We are committed to preserving and promoting the rich heritage and traditions associated with clay arts. By supporting artisans, organizing heritage-focused events, and collaborating with cultural institutions, we contribute to the preservation of traditional craft techniques and cultural practices, ensuring they endure for future generations.